yipeeee !!! its new year time which automatically means ki its resolution time !!
a resolution is conviniently defined as promises that u make to urself around new years when u are either too excited about the new year party or too drunk AND break them with no guilt feeling at all...because as per the defination RESOLUTIONS ARE MADE TO B BROKEN .so as always, this year too i have made a few resolutions ( which i am conviniently gonna chuck the day after new years ! ahahha ! ) so here comes !! ( dont blame me if u dont c me following the resoluitons !! read the defination above ! )1.GAIN SOME WEIGHT. it wudnt hurt if i was a little over 50 kgs !!!! so 9 kgs to gain n 1 year to go....not bad at all...
2.STUDY HARD. hardly study is what i do and id like this status to change !
3.BUNK COLLEGE.being too regular isnt such a nice thing gal...so bunk college for a change !
4.CHAT LESS.i spend like 50% of my day into chatting !
5.RELAX. m like running arround 24x7 for no appparent reason !
6.GO TO DELHI.this year atleast once i WILL go to delhi to meet sakshi !!!! my bestest buddy ...love ya sakshi !
7.DENTIST SE DARNA MANA HAI.dont b scared of the dentist yaa...he is just another guy ! b brave n very soon these cute braces will b off....himmat rakho !
8.WORSHIP NIRVANA.thats the only resolution that im gonna keep !
9.SAVE SOME CASH.u spend too much n u know it...so make some efforts to save na idiot !
10.DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE.instead of dreaming about ryan oberoi do something constructive like blogging !!!!!
phew...that was quite a task !!!!! alls well that end well...so u have come to the end of this post....SO WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR....THIS POST IS OVER, LOSER !
buwahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha !!! its sooooo good being a devil !