it was almost like 12 minutes since i sat staring blankly at the all the more blank computer screen :-P thinkin what shud i be postin about ! then suddenly, even with the full volume music :-p , i could hear moma screaaaaaming at me...NET CONNNECTION BAND KARA DUNGI... ( this is the mosssssst commmon thing ul hear my mom n sis say !!! ) :-P
yes, i admit, i am a compulsive-obsessive-whateverish-net-addict ! but then, im happppy being the nerd i am :-P yeah...reading illlegallly downloaded harry potter e-books ( buzz me ASAP if u want them...i have all 7 yipppppeee !!!!! ) n listening to my fav songs !! thats my world...i love being by myself !!!! n sometimes, if miraculously someone comes online n has the time ( yeah yeah, busy buddy ! ) to chat....fir toh kyaaa baat hai !!!!! life set hai ;-)
orkut, blogspot, yahoo msnger n msn msnger are my world...virtual world yaar :-P but i just cannot live without loggging in, atleast once toh log in karna hi padta hai !!!! i just HAVE to...gosh !! m obbbsesssed ! ( hheheheh too many obsesssions in ma life - music, food, mocha, net, writing poetry n blah blah !!!!! ) screaming now, n this yell has to b taken seriously :-P heheheh so long fellahs ! good riddance ! :-P
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
dimag hata hua hai !!!
aarrrgggghhhh !!!! m sooo bugged....realllly this is one thing i hate about mood swings !!! :-( sometimes i realllly hate being unpredictable...
but then...actualllly m misssing sakshi :-( kitne din ho gaye, havent talked to her !!! awwww...her stupid exams r keeping her busy...miss u re ya loads !
now that im bored...u, my dear reader, suffer ! buwahahahhaha...i write crap n u read it :-p wah...sahi hai boss...
anyways i know for sure that il go crazzzzzy ( GO ??? aint i already crazy :-P ) if i sit staring at my sweetheart's face ( my computer, nimrod ! ) for even a second more, so i'd rather get some fresh air....
n also...get back to writing poems...thats my newest found passion...
chalo cya later.....aligator ! ( ya ya...i STILL watch cartooon network...SO WHAT ? ) :-p
but then...actualllly m misssing sakshi :-( kitne din ho gaye, havent talked to her !!! awwww...her stupid exams r keeping her busy...miss u re ya loads !
now that im bored...u, my dear reader, suffer ! buwahahahhaha...i write crap n u read it :-p wah...sahi hai boss...
anyways i know for sure that il go crazzzzzy ( GO ??? aint i already crazy :-P ) if i sit staring at my sweetheart's face ( my computer, nimrod ! ) for even a second more, so i'd rather get some fresh air....
n also...get back to writing poems...thats my newest found passion...
chalo cya later.....aligator ! ( ya ya...i STILL watch cartooon network...SO WHAT ? ) :-p
Monday, April 17, 2006
The Day The Table Fan Said....DROP DEAD !

the pitcure itself speaks a thousand ( maybe even more ) words :-P
well...i know, ppl think their lives would have been much easier n happier without me ( par hey !! who cares !!! i still love ruining their happiness :-P ) but if a TABLE FAN....yes, a rickety, old, dark grossly oiled table fan feels the same way....BEWARE !
it was my friend Aben's Sister's surprise birthday party ( dont ask me for deatils ok....jitna likha hai utna hi padho :-P ) when a table fan tried to kill me :-p n well the doomed thing almost succeeded...but then SHAITANIYAT KI JEET HUI :-P n here i am...blogging my heart out ! kya pata....kal ho na ho :-P
so...more about the party...everything was was a surrrrprise, so as per the definition of surprise, Edwina ( Aben's sis !! ) WAS surprised, happy n then blah blah n after what seemed like eternity to me, she cut the cake ( phew ! finalllllllly...what i was waiting for :-P ) okkkk i admit !!!! i love birthday parties for one reason...Cakes !!!
somehow, i realised later, that i had managed to forget where i had kept the gift i had brought for her ( how careless of me !! ) so i went around every nook and corner of the terrrace ( that was the venue dumbo...hotel priyanka ka terrance ) searching for the gift i'd brought...a few minutes of searching n lo !! there it was...a beautiful kurta, ( beautifully packed off course ) sittting pretty on a chair :-P but lonely n neglected.
now lemmme tell u what i was course it IS realated to this post otherwise i wudnt go through all the trouble of typing it out, right ! stop whatever ur thinking ( In case U r reallly thinking ) n read on...yaa, so back to what i was wearing...a nice decent green salwar kurta with an equallly beautiful n elegant duppatta !! well...i looked prettty to myself, if not to anyone else :-P ahem ahem...that shud b enuf ! :-P
so i was about to pick up the gift...i felt as if someone ( ahem ahem...someTHING, in my case ) was trying to strangle me !!! withing seconds i was soooo damn chocked that i could hardly breathe let alone scream...actuallly hua yeh thaa, ke this pretty green duppattta of mine got entangled in the blades of the fan !!!!!!!! got sooooooo nicely entagled that it was impossssssible for me to do anything...all i could do was pray....hey bhagwaaaan...bachaaaaaaoooo...DO SOMETHING YOU JERKS...STOP THE FREAKING PARTY...DOOOOOOOOO SOMETHINGGGGGGGGG !! ( but not a word outa my mouth !!! )
but hardly anyone noticed this killer-let-losse kinda scene amidst the rocking party...i mean, come on yaara...when u have everything ( music food n friends !! ) right in front of u, who'd be stupid enough to notice the corner of the room...but at that given time n point, this logic would have killed me !!!
i struggled hard to get myself outa this mess...n fell with a bang ! the fan folllowed suit n fell on ME ( my head actualllly ) with a bigger bang, thankfulllly making ppl aware that the centre of attention/attraction of the party ( a few minutes ago, i WAS rocking the dance floor !! ) had turned into a blue, nearly dead duck ! i was toooo freaked n at my wits end as to how to breathe to notice how the ppl there saved ( yeah thats THE word ) me !! but they did...( bevkooooof log...mera bhoot thode na post karega....password kaisey malooom hoga bhooot ko eh ??? ;-D )
i was choked prettty bad n my face had turned rare n weird shades of the oxygen-deprived blue ! :-p i was coughing sooooooo hard that i feared that i'd puke the cake out ( Worst Case Scenario for me ! ) but then a few minutes later, i was my usual ALIVE self !
When it was time to leave ( the party, u idiot....not the world...not soooo soon...hell can wait for a few more years for its new ruler ! )...i just happened to loook acroos the room n glanced at the killer looked to me ( maybe i WAS halllucinating :-P ) as if the fan was smiling...rather grinning devilishly at me with a smug smile which said " is baar bach gayi, chinti....agli baar - tera game over ! " i just shudddddered at the thought n left quicker than anyone u've ever seen leaving a place !
i still get nightmares where the fan buawahahahaha's me n has the " il get u one day " kinda look on its blades !!!!! n im like moooommmmmmmmmmmmyyyy !!!!!!! :-(
agli baar se....BEWARE !!!! There's a killler on the prowl !!
but stilll...just a thought....imagine the next day's newspaper headlines ( in case i WAS DEAD !! ) :-p TABLE FAN TURNS MUREDERER, KILLS TEENAGER !!!!!!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
M Like......Itne Din Kahan Thay ??????

when i first heard them...m like :-O awesome man !!!!! itne din mujhsey bachkey kaisey reh paaye....but nevermind....finalllly got my hands on each n every song and video of noori available on the net ! man....m in love !!!!
thats Noori for u...pepppy, hard hitting n verrrrrrry catchy !!! just love the songs :-* muuuuah !
n not to mention, Ali Noor ( the guy in the centre :-* )....leathal combo hai yeh banda !!!! killling voice coupled with sexxxxxxy looks.....whoaaa.....m in love !
the fact that its a Pakistani band appeals to me all the more...believe it or not, m obbsessed with pakistani music, its simply the comparision ! :-* u rock guys....big time ! don't tell me u havent heard jal, atif aslam n the other fab singers out there ! i swear, the day Noori guys decide to have a concert in b the first one to b present at the venue....m craaazzzzzzzzy bout Pakistani music !!!!! god help me with my obbsessssion !! :-* but m loving every moment of it !!!!!
its almost 4.18 AM right now n i cant sleeeeep ! reason - Ali Noor....cant get enough of him ! m crazzzzzzzzzy about him now !! on top of it, he is a lefty, n trust me, i have a thing for left handed people....i find them reallllllllllly hot ! donnno why, but i do....Ali Noor...u rock !!!
try listening to Peeli Patti Aur Raja Jani Ki Gol Dunya and Suno Ke Main Hu Jawaan ( yeaaaayyyy i have both the albums with the video's n all !!!!! thats what a true fan is... :-* muah muah !! ) i mean, AWESOME stuff....ul love them !!!
If u somehow manage not to like Noori, then tough luck, kid...get a life !
Love ya Noori...Rocking is the word !
Friday, April 14, 2006
me me me !!!!
well......its kinda obvious....this blog belongs to ME so atleast one post realated to I, Me, Myself shud b here ! so this is this space !
today im in my rare-but-there kinda moods, which compels me to write about here i am, bugging the hell out of u !!! ehehhehehehe but i must appriciate ur patience n abolute lack of constructive activity which is forcing u to read on....hehehehehehhehehe U ROCK !
to start off with...m just another gal, love to laugh n pull pppl's leg ! ehhehehehe u can guess that from the lines above !
m the kinda girl who can make special ppl feel more special :-) n ignored ppl all the more neglected ! im a total devil at times...veryyyy rarely i take off the black n red ( ohhh so cute ) devil attire n take on the ujala white angel robes ! but yaa....with me, u can alwaaaaaays keep smiling...ya ya sure, u can verrry well say m a joker ! :-P
m verrry unpredictable...i do stuff at the drop of a hat...but whats most noticible is - my contradictions....
as in, i like it...but i dont like it ; its cool...but its not that cool ; m funny but not funny !!!!! yeh toh kuch bhi nahi.....m active but lazy, intellligent but dumb, cute but ugly; m a loner but also the centre of attention......ehehheheheheheheh m weird ! i have a yes n no to an answer simultaneously!!!! n THIS freaks most ppl out ! :-p who cares...m happppy with my contradictions !
one more thing...i looooooooooove my braces !! i think they loook reallly cool n they r a fab excuse for not eating stuff...heheheheheheh though i am a fooodie, im a selective foodie...see, there i go n my contradictions :-P
music is my life n im happppy to b left by myself with my fav music ! i said na.....sometimes im a loner, sometimes the centre of attention ! i can get reallllly complex at times ! bas bas....mujhse khud ki aur buraai nahi hoti ! ;-P
finallllly....enuf boasted about myself....i love my friends n i reaaallllllyyyy love them ! and ahem ahem i can reallly do anything to make them smile....surprise them, shock them :-p but make them u guys !!!!
thats it....i mean, thats all u need to know bout me...ab saaaaaaaaare sachchai samney hai....SO ???? arrrre extra ordinarrrry fool...stay away from me....kuuuuuch samajh nahi aata aap logo ko :-P
today im in my rare-but-there kinda moods, which compels me to write about here i am, bugging the hell out of u !!! ehehhehehehe but i must appriciate ur patience n abolute lack of constructive activity which is forcing u to read on....hehehehehehhehehe U ROCK !
to start off with...m just another gal, love to laugh n pull pppl's leg ! ehhehehehe u can guess that from the lines above !
m the kinda girl who can make special ppl feel more special :-) n ignored ppl all the more neglected ! im a total devil at times...veryyyy rarely i take off the black n red ( ohhh so cute ) devil attire n take on the ujala white angel robes ! but yaa....with me, u can alwaaaaaays keep smiling...ya ya sure, u can verrry well say m a joker ! :-P
m verrry unpredictable...i do stuff at the drop of a hat...but whats most noticible is - my contradictions....
as in, i like it...but i dont like it ; its cool...but its not that cool ; m funny but not funny !!!!! yeh toh kuch bhi nahi.....m active but lazy, intellligent but dumb, cute but ugly; m a loner but also the centre of attention......ehehheheheheheheh m weird ! i have a yes n no to an answer simultaneously!!!! n THIS freaks most ppl out ! :-p who cares...m happppy with my contradictions !
one more thing...i looooooooooove my braces !! i think they loook reallly cool n they r a fab excuse for not eating stuff...heheheheheheh though i am a fooodie, im a selective foodie...see, there i go n my contradictions :-P
music is my life n im happppy to b left by myself with my fav music ! i said na.....sometimes im a loner, sometimes the centre of attention ! i can get reallllly complex at times ! bas bas....mujhse khud ki aur buraai nahi hoti ! ;-P
finallllly....enuf boasted about myself....i love my friends n i reaaallllllyyyy love them ! and ahem ahem i can reallly do anything to make them smile....surprise them, shock them :-p but make them u guys !!!!
thats it....i mean, thats all u need to know bout me...ab saaaaaaaaare sachchai samney hai....SO ???? arrrre extra ordinarrrry fool...stay away from me....kuuuuuch samajh nahi aata aap logo ko :-P
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
true love....excuse me ???
two posts in a day !!! whoaaa im improving !! ehehehehe anywayssss....came across this realllly nice community on orkut with a reallly nice topic : true love. ok offence meant.
BUT my question is...what the hell is true love ?????? isnt love supposed to b plain n simple love ??? ab yeh true, false blah blah love kahan se aa gaya ???? wonder wonder ! doesnt make sense to me....u'd say, who cares !
but no..reallly, i need to know this, cuz its realllly bugging me ! m i normal ????? as in, i always thought u either love someone or u dont...i never thought of any true love or false love ( if thats the appropriate opposite ! ) gosh i must b crazzzzzzzzy !
anyways....for me love is love !!! and i truly love every one i love and that includes you....yes YOU...stop smiling now ! pretentions here ! trust me on that ! though u might never know that i have a thing for u ( if any !! ) ! ehehehehhehe THAT, my friend, is the way i, keep guessssing !!!! n plzzzzz......i'd appriciate if ONLY the right guy guessses that its him m talking about here !!! ehehehehhe...
hey.....wait a minute !!!! what was my question in the first place ??????? true or other variations of love, right ???? aaarggghh ! meri train hamesha track change kar jaati ha !!! helllllllp !
BUT my question is...what the hell is true love ?????? isnt love supposed to b plain n simple love ??? ab yeh true, false blah blah love kahan se aa gaya ???? wonder wonder ! doesnt make sense to me....u'd say, who cares !
but no..reallly, i need to know this, cuz its realllly bugging me ! m i normal ????? as in, i always thought u either love someone or u dont...i never thought of any true love or false love ( if thats the appropriate opposite ! ) gosh i must b crazzzzzzzzy !
anyways....for me love is love !!! and i truly love every one i love and that includes you....yes YOU...stop smiling now ! pretentions here ! trust me on that ! though u might never know that i have a thing for u ( if any !! ) ! ehehehehhehe THAT, my friend, is the way i, keep guessssing !!!! n plzzzzz......i'd appriciate if ONLY the right guy guessses that its him m talking about here !!! ehehehehhe...
hey.....wait a minute !!!! what was my question in the first place ??????? true or other variations of love, right ???? aaarggghh ! meri train hamesha track change kar jaati ha !!! helllllllp !
no new post !
nothing major going on in life right how do u expect me to write a blog !!! duh !!
n things that r going on are too special to b written here ( blush blush, wink wink ) !!! somethings are best when kept to urself, right !!!!! thats exactly what m doing...keep guessing ! m sure one day ul crack the code ( m sucha devil....n i love being one ! )
anywayssss....major news on my college front is that my results are out !! yippppppppppee...this time too i managed a distinction !! 74 % !!! now i got the trick to success, in my college atleast, write logicall stuff, write crap, write songs, write stories...BUT WRITE !!!! n im a genius when it comes to writing one single sentence in three different types ! haha ! some talents pay u verrrry well...even though they dont get appreciated...but then, hey who cares about appriciation anyways !!!! marks are all that matter at the end of the sem !
right now the only thing in my mind is teri deewani that fabulous song by kailash kher...ufff just kills me !!!! too good dude..too good ! i dont know how to explain what it actualllly makes me feel, but its fabulous !!!
cya felllahs !
n things that r going on are too special to b written here ( blush blush, wink wink ) !!! somethings are best when kept to urself, right !!!!! thats exactly what m doing...keep guessing ! m sure one day ul crack the code ( m sucha devil....n i love being one ! )
anywayssss....major news on my college front is that my results are out !! yippppppppppee...this time too i managed a distinction !! 74 % !!! now i got the trick to success, in my college atleast, write logicall stuff, write crap, write songs, write stories...BUT WRITE !!!! n im a genius when it comes to writing one single sentence in three different types ! haha ! some talents pay u verrrry well...even though they dont get appreciated...but then, hey who cares about appriciation anyways !!!! marks are all that matter at the end of the sem !
right now the only thing in my mind is teri deewani that fabulous song by kailash kher...ufff just kills me !!!! too good dude..too good ! i dont know how to explain what it actualllly makes me feel, but its fabulous !!!
cya felllahs !
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