the pitcure itself speaks a thousand ( maybe even more ) words :-P
well...i know, ppl think their lives would have been much easier n happier without me ( par hey !! who cares !!! i still love ruining their happiness :-P ) but if a TABLE FAN....yes, a rickety, old, dark grossly oiled table fan feels the same way....BEWARE !
it was my friend Aben's Sister's surprise birthday party ( dont ask me for deatils ok....jitna likha hai utna hi padho :-P ) when a table fan tried to kill me :-p n well the doomed thing almost succeeded...but then SHAITANIYAT KI JEET HUI :-P n here i am...blogging my heart out ! kya pata....kal ho na ho :-P
so...more about the party...everything was arranged...it was a surrrrprise, so as per the definition of surprise, Edwina ( Aben's sis !! ) WAS surprised, happy n then blah blah n after what seemed like eternity to me, she cut the cake ( phew ! finalllllllly...what i was waiting for :-P ) okkkk i admit !!!! i love birthday parties for one reason...Cakes !!!
somehow, i realised later, that i had managed to forget where i had kept the gift i had brought for her ( how careless of me !! ) so i went around every nook and corner of the terrrace ( that was the venue dumbo...hotel priyanka ka terrance ) searching for the gift i'd brought...a few minutes of searching n lo !! there it was...a beautiful kurta, ( beautifully packed off course ) sittting pretty on a chair :-P but lonely n neglected.
now lemmme tell u what i was wearing...off course it IS realated to this post otherwise i wudnt go through all the trouble of typing it out, right ! :-P...so...just stop whatever ur thinking ( In case U r reallly thinking ) n read on...yaa, so back to what i was wearing...a nice decent green salwar kurta with an equallly beautiful n elegant duppatta !! well...i looked prettty to myself, if not to anyone else :-P ahem ahem...that shud b enuf ! :-P
so now...as i was about to pick up the gift...i felt as if someone ( ahem ahem...someTHING, in my case ) was trying to strangle me !!! withing seconds i was soooo damn chocked that i could hardly breathe let alone scream...actuallly hua yeh thaa, ke this pretty green duppattta of mine got entangled in the blades of the fan !!!!!!!! yep...it got sooooooo nicely entagled that it was impossssssible for me to do anything...all i could do was pray....hey bhagwaaaan...bachaaaaaaoooo...DO SOMETHING YOU JERKS...STOP THE FREAKING PARTY...DOOOOOOOOO SOMETHINGGGGGGGGG !! ( but not a word outa my mouth !!! )
but hardly anyone noticed this killer-let-losse kinda scene amidst the rocking party...i mean, come on yaara...when u have everything ( music food n friends !! ) right in front of u, who'd be stupid enough to notice the corner of the room...but at that given time n point, this logic would have killed me !!!
i struggled hard to get myself outa this mess...n fell with a bang ! the fan folllowed suit n fell on ME ( my head actualllly ) with a bigger bang, thankfulllly making ppl aware that the centre of attention/attraction of the party ( a few minutes ago, i WAS rocking the dance floor !! ) had turned into a blue, nearly dead duck ! i was toooo freaked n at my wits end as to how to breathe to notice how the ppl there saved ( yeah thats THE word ) me !! but they did...( bevkooooof log...mera bhoot thode na post karega....password kaisey malooom hoga bhooot ko eh ??? ;-D )
i was choked prettty bad n my face had turned rare n weird shades of the oxygen-deprived blue ! :-p i was coughing sooooooo hard that i feared that i'd puke the cake out ( Worst Case Scenario for me ! ) but then a few minutes later, i was my usual ALIVE self !
When it was time to leave ( the party, u idiot....not the world...not soooo soon...hell can wait for a few more years for its new ruler ! )...i just happened to loook acroos the room n glanced at the killer fan...it looked to me ( maybe i WAS halllucinating :-P ) as if the fan was smiling...rather grinning devilishly at me with a smug smile which said " is baar bach gayi, chinti....agli baar - tera game over ! " i just shudddddered at the thought n left quicker than anyone u've ever seen leaving a place !
i still get nightmares where the fan buawahahahaha's me n has the " il get u one day " kinda look on its blades !!!!! n im like moooommmmmmmmmmmmyyyy !!!!!!! :-(
agli baar se....BEWARE !!!! There's a killler on the prowl !!
but stilll...just a thought....imagine the next day's newspaper headlines ( in case i WAS DEAD !! ) :-p TABLE FAN TURNS MUREDERER, KILLS TEENAGER !!!!!!
Shucks the stupid table fan can't be expexted to do even one thing right...thing will scrap it...or get a better way to kill u..SILENTLY...heheheeheee....
Jokes apart....All's well taht doesn't end...hehehehee...
ENJOYYYY...and be thankful for this life :o)
hehheheheheh told yaaa !!!!! devilgiri always triumphs :-p but then....thank god im alive :-P !!!
Another romantic post?? Didnt comment there as only the person for whom it is intended shud comment..but anyway..nice poem... :o)
Did u tell HIM?? or are u still contemplating?? c'mon...go Girl...go.... :o)
blush blush !
but then dumps, ur free to comment yaar...seriously !
wat!!!!!!!!!!u still hiding ur love!!!wat r u waiting for..???if u love smeone you say it, you say it right then,out loud, or the momment just...passes u by....
blush blush blush
advice taken vinay !!! :-)
Aaargh..is ladki kak kuch nahi ho sakta.....c'mon say it...it will take just 10 mins of strength but will get rid of all ur anxieties and everything.....So Say it kid....NOWWWWWWWWW
or u might regret it later
trying to :-( aint that easy dumps !
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